MARS is a freeware tool for Maintenance Assessment of Repairable Systems. MARS implements imperfect maintenance models and estimates jointly the effects of ageing and maintenance (preventive and/or corrective) efficiency on real data sets from field feedback.
MARS has been developed in cooperation with EDF R&D.
MARS page on platform PLUME
R packages
- - asympTest: Basic parametric Hypothesis Testing (proportion, mean and variance) in the asymptotic framework (CRAN).
- - EBSpatCGAL: Simulation and estimation of nearest-neighbour Gibbs point process (Project page) (github) (Old project EBSpat github).
- - EWGoF: Goodness-of-fit tests for the Exponential and two-parameter Weibull distributions (CRAN).
- - spatstat : Participation to the development of the package (CRAN).
- - VAM: Inference, simulation and reliability indicators computation for Virtual Age Models (Project page) (github).
- - fitdistrplus: Extends the fitdistr() function (of the MASS package) with several functions to help the fit of a parametric distribution to non-censored or censored data (CRAN).
- - gumbel: estimation, simulation de la copule de Gumbel-Hougaard, (CRAN)
- - mbbefd: Distributions that are typically used for exposure rating in general insurance (CRAN)
- - OneStep: Provide principally an eponymic function that numerically computes the Le Cam one-step estimator, (CRAN)
- - POT: method of estimation des excès au delà d’un seuil, (CRAN)
- - tsallisqexp: estimation, simulation of Tsallis or Q-exponentiel distribution, (CRAN)